Dog Health
Dog health is a vast subject. Your veterinarian plays a key role in ensuring your dog is healthy, but you play a key role, too! Dog health involves nutrition, supplements, exercise, digestive health, ear infections, teeth and gums health, and symptoms like dog vomit and even dog poop. The more you know, the better equipped you are to keep your dog in the best health possible and to know when it’s time to bring your best friend to the vet.

The Truth About Coconut Oil
There’s a huge controversy online about a very popular at-home dog health trend: Feeding your dog coconut oil. You see, many people believe coconut oil is a “superfood” because it’s full of MCTs (AKA, medium chain triglycerides.)1 MCTs are fatty acids that can have...
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Why is My Dog Throwing Up Water? (3 Tummy Soothing Tips)
Even for the most experienced pet parents, it can be scary when your dog gets sick and vomits. But what if your dog is just vomiting water, or throwing up right after drinking lots of water? After all, it's only water, right? Well, if this happens to your...
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It’s National Treat Your Pet Day: Try these Easy Pumpkin Treats
Here at Dr. Marty Pets our dogs mean the world to us, and we know you feel the same way too. So, in honor of all our adorable furry best friends, we have declared October 30th to be… National Treat Your Pet Day! National Treat Your Pet Day takes place on the...
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Is Your Dog Vomiting White Foam? Here are 3 Possible Reasons
For pet parents, it’s never fun to see your dog feeling sick, and if you see them vomiting white foam… Well, it can be downright scary! Your mind races through all kinds of questions… What did they eat? Do they have an upset stomach? Is it acid reflux? Is this an...
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Can my dog eat cinnamon? Here’s the truth
If you've ever asked yourself: “Can my dog eat cinnamon?” — you're not alone. Cinnamon truly is the “the spice of life," whether you like sprinkling it on coffee, tossing it in with apples, or drinking it down with a cup o' cider. It’s a natural spice that can...
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Is Pumpkin Good For Dogs?
Pumpkin: the Unlikely Canine Superfood? Is pumpkin good for dogs? Most people only think of pumpkins as fun decorations in the fall season… But did you know: This festive vegetable is a “canine superfood?” Pumpkins belong to the same botanical family as squash,...
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Can my dog eat cheese?
Can my dog eat cheese? Have you ever been enjoying a string cheese snack, and noticed your dog staring longingly at your food? Well, that’s because dogs LOVE cheese of all kinds. In fact, trainers will use it as a special treat to motivate dogs. Some veterinarians...
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Teach Your Dog How to “Boogie”
Did you ever see the show Soul Train? It was a television show back in the 1970s where dancers with the grooviest moves would boogie non-stop to the best music of the time. We called it “getting down with the boogie” back then 🙂 Well, today, I want to show you how...
read moreThe Bone Broth Slushie
We’re in the “dog days” of summer! That means these are the HOTTEST days of the year — which makes it more important than ever to help your furry pal stay hydrated. If your pet spends time outside, they’re at risk of overheating… And indoors, their body temperature...
read moreDogs are one of the most popular household pets in America. With their loving, loyal, and unique personalities, there’s no question how they earned the title of man (and woman’s) best friend! Whether you’ve been around dogs your entire life, you’re a first-time owner, or just want to learn more about this amazing animal, the Dr. Marty Dog Blog is here to help.
The Dr. Marty Pets Dog Blog aims to address all your questions, concerns, and curiosities about dogs. It’s important for dog owners to be well-informed about their companions, and to have a go-to source to answer any questions that arise. That’s what the Dr. Marty Dog Blog is here for! In the blog, you’ll find answers to your questions, as well as questions you didn’t even know you had. From topics such as basic dog care, dog grooming, what can dogs eat, most energetic breeds, best dogs for first time owners, common dog health conditions, and so much more, the Dr. Marty Dog Blog covers all things dog.